
【Special Doctoral Program for International 【Special Doctoral Course Program in Agricultural 037either in Japan or abroad. Details of other qualifications will be outlined in the Guidelines for Applicants.*The applicant needs to contact their intended supervisor beforehand and obtain a recommendation from the head of the applicant’s affiliated institution or enterprise and a person senior to the applicant at the applicant’s affiliated institution or enterprise who knows the applicant’s research and study capabilities.Qualifications1. Applicants should fulfil the qualifications of the General Program.2. Those who wish to pursue research in Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture and Related Sciences.3. Those who are engaged in education, research, or technology at a university, institute, or enterprise Qualifications Those who have received a master’s degree from the special Master’s Course from Asia, Africa and the Pacific Rim offered by the graduate schools of agriculture at Ehime and Kagawa universities and Agriculture and Marine Science Program, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Kochi University.Students in Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture and Related Sciences】Sciences for Students from Asia, Africa and the Pacific Rim】

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