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Efforts to prevent misconduct in research activities

Misconduct in scientific research goes against the very nature of science, which is an activity to create new knowledge by accumulating the search for truth, and causes the scientific community to lose credibility. Those involved in research, whether as principal investigators, co-investigators, or principal investigators, must ensure the fairness of their research activities and be accountable to society and the scientific community at large for the objectivity, verifiability, and verifiability of their research findings.

Scientific researchers at Ehime University are expected to fulfill their responsibilities, to protect the freedom of scientific research, and to further develop creative research. To this end, Ehime University has established a system for the prevention of misconduct in research activities, and has established the “Committee for the Prevention of Misconduct in Research Activities” to make ongoing efforts to prevent misconduct in research.

Related rules and regulations concerning the prevention of misconduct in research activities

Regulations, etc. of Ehime University

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology guidelines, etc.

Report Contact

  • A “Reporting Desk” and a person in charge of the Reporting Desk have been set up in the General Affairs Department to receive complaints and consultations regarding misconduct in research activities from both inside and outside the University. In addition, the director in charge of general affairs is appointed as the person in charge of handling reports in order to oversee the work related to reporting.
  • Anyone who suspects misconduct in research activities may file a complaint with the reporting office in writing, by facsimile, e-mail, telephone or in person.
  • The accusation must, in principle, be made in public, clearly indicating the name of the researcher or research group that is alleged to have committed misconduct in research activities, the manner of the misconduct in research activities, and other details of the case, as well as the reasonable grounds for the alleged misconduct.

General Affairs Department (4F, Headquarters Bldg.)

10-13 Dogohimata, Matsuyama, 790-8577, Japan

Phone: 089-927-9010 FAX: 089-927-9025


Reception hours: 8:30-17:00 weekdays